jot 25mar20

THE OLD CITY, Atrium Carceri. This one was actually gifted to me by Cryo Chamber, for which my thanks.

I just proofed THE BATMAN’S GRAVE 7, so my tiny end of the comics industry is still moving, even though the comics apparently won’t be shipped and the stores that sell them will be shut anyway. I’ve been bugging people for months and years about the current state of digital comics provision, and everyone was like “yeah, yeah, shut up.” Go and buy something from Panel Syndicate today and pay what you want.

I was gonna do a whole thing here about how work and life has been impacted, but, really, who gives a shit. It’s not like I’m going through the bins for old food. I took yesterday to clear my head. Today I’m back at the desk processing documents and things, cutting most of the news out of my diet, and getting some thinking done. The near future needs immediate consideration.

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