
Hello from PANDEMIC-CAM-29. I think I’m looking good, all things considered.

The internet is still doing its off/on/off dance over here, as Virgin Media starts to crumble under the load. I was on BATMAN’S GRAVE all day yesterday, and will be on it again all day today. Have already fired off PROJECT GENEVA emails and processed overnight CASTLEVANIA emails, and have a bunch of deliveries arriving today (including, we hope, new earbuds), so daylight hours will be a bit scattered again. Inbox 18, and they’re just going to have to sit there while I figure out these issues of GRAVE in front of me. Which I need to do today, because tomorrow I’m into HEAVEN’S FOREST and the GENEVA bible, leaving the weekend for a new thing I haven’t codenamed yet.

Got around to watching the remaster of PHASE IV last night, while puzzling out a section of GRAVE, and holy hell Saul Bass’ original ending for the film that was cut out for theatrical! I may have to take a couple of screenshots this week and write it up for my own use.

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